In the News


April 20, 2012

Celebrate Earth Day with Plan B: The Film

Looking for a way to celebrate Earth Day this Sunday? Check your local PBS listings for an airing of "Plan B: Mobilizing to Save Civilization," the film based on Lester Brown's book of the same title.

Narrated by Matt Damon and produced by Emmy-award winning filmmakers, Marilyn and Hal Weiner, the 90-minute documentary follows Lester as he speaks in Beijing, Seoul, Tokyo, New Delhi, Rome, Istanbul, Ankara, and Washington, DC, and visits with world leaders to discuss Plan B—a roadmap that will help eradicate poverty, stabilize population, and protect and restore our planet’s fisheries, forests, aquifers, soils, grasslands, and biological diversity. 

Watch the clip below to learn if our planet has reached the 29th day, then catch the rest of the film when it airs to learn about the strategies to avoid the growing threat of global warming.